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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

White (Airwaves) Noise

How does a long struggling, underserved, marginalized group of people without financial or political clout get anything done in a city made up of 'haves' and 'have-nots'? People who have been maligned and unfairly targeted since they started appearing in sizable numbers sixty years ago. The former enjoying a privileged wealth of opportunity since they bought Manhattan with bright-beads and glass.

The type of People who came in search of work and a new life. But even then, back in the forties, newspaper articles were written depicting the shiftless negroes as nothing more than a parasitic group of people. Who drink all night and sleep all day. Wholesale descriptions that could not have been further from the truth. Descriptions that made life harder for those trying to carve a path.

You could insert any number of ethnic groups into the question but the answers for each seem to have varying degrees. With the long struggling African American community any type of significant collective power seems to be perpetually out grasp.

Negative Articles like the one I read have dominated the landscape ever since, and to look back in the archive through Books like Ethnic Utica (edited by James S. Pula) it does nothing but highlight the importance of A Black Voice in media, whether its print, radio or television, male or female, old or young does not matter. We need and deserve a voice in Mohawk Valley's mainstream media.

Its of no consequence that I am perfectly qualified to do the job and have already tested my skills on WHCL, I  had a loyal following of ten or so die hard fans and the students thought I was Denzel Washington so yeah, I'm ready to fill that role.
There are also a few eager white males ready to add a progressive voice to crowded conservative atmosphere. I guarantee any show that offers an alternative will be like a breath of fresh air for advertisers and businesses alike.
What is needed is good ol' opportunity. I have been on Talk Of The Town twice, each time raising the standard with passion and eloquence; but why go on for free five times a week when they get paid?
That's kinda insulting, invite me down to make your show better and encourage me to come down as much as possible...good idea if I could make some know?

Maybe its not me but it should be somebody. Keeler (middle-aged, center right, white dude) has enjoyed market share with Talk of The Town for a couple years now. Fact, both shows are interchangeable and Piersma's history with Keeler make it even more nepotistic and kinda weird. Its like a spin-off radio show.With Frank Elias to ad maturity and brevity

 You know they know all the same people in advertising and the tight circle of media becomes a noose for anyone trying to break-in that doesn't fit in at a Tea Party rally.

This is important to me; I sense a glaring hole of perception that blinds these guys from common sense when it comes to The Black Community. They fly off about Al Sharpton just short of appointing him our official spokesperson for the Black Community (insulting). Shaking their heads in a whiny tone asking 'What is wrong'?...why can't they just  get it together'?


Because right after your show some guy in HR, who also wonders why 'they can't get it together' just put Trayvon's resume at The bottom of the pile. The fact is we need to have a say, let us tell the story ever once in a while. We will stick to the truth and do our due diligence, but we will avoid adding a menacing tone were none should exist or fear when it isn't scary.
I would have been all over Bucky Philips when that broke, but hey, hes a folk hero right?

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