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Monday, August 10, 2009

I don't watch t.v. home.

Movies I watched in the last couple of days.
The Killing Room
Five Fingers
Escape From Witch Mountain

Space Chimps
Comanche Moon
I thought it would be a good idea to list what I watch, to keep an accurate account of what I digest. I could go into detail about each film, I enjoyed them all. In fact I could be considered a very gracious critic, The Paula Abdul of contemporary cinema.
I enjoy the quality of most films made now.
Way better than what I grew up with.
The strange thing is if I watch ten movies in a week it baffles me how the distinct memory of the cinematic experience sort of dissipates, gets filed away in some trivial part of the mind accessed during fits of wit and artificial creativity.
I have given up cable.
A long time ago.
Like a recovering addict I could relapse in a fit of sports anxiety and order it again. Last basketball season was the hardest time in my recent life. But the memories of hours spent, aimlessly surfing on endless lists of channels, rarely finding anything to watch are too fresh.
It was sad the only shows I watched were on VH-1. I knew I needed some sort of help.
So I resign myself to activities with other people who do not watch T.V.
A burden is subtly lifted over time.
Clutter around the house begins to thin.
We have a garden and our weight has gotten onder control.
We watch a movie and go to bed.
No surfing, no commercials.
No commercials,
No news.
No more.

1 comment:

finesse said...

I love this! So much of our conscious and unconsciousness degeneration lies in random, habitual t.v. watching. I am also choosing movies over t.v. Now to get my family on board! They are your typical t.v. addicted individuals. Indira especially! She experience withdrawal if not given the opportunity to tune into her "favorite" shows. Although I am glad that at least her "favorites" are Lambchops Play Along.